Why Stories
Bookwallah is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization helping children of trauma make a positive shift in their psychological consciousness through the power of stories.

But why stories? Because research studies have consistently indicated that it is possible to untangle children from trauma by unleashing their imagination. We use the power of stories as a gateway to help them imagine and enter a world where they are masters of their own destiny. The power of stories helps to open up their minds and jumpstart the healing process by giving them the confidence to imagine an alternate, positive reality.
Our process incorporates building of safe spaces like libraries with story books in orphanages across developing countries like India, Ghana, Indonesia etc.
Our teams of volunteers read stories and interact with children through discussions. After the stories have been read out, our children are encouraged to discuss and talk about their feelings in relation to the stories.
Meanwhile, we track the progress of each child across various parameters to determine how well the child is progressing in their healing process by our Research Assistants.
Bookwallah believes that every child deserves a chance in life and our mission is to help liberate children from their trauma so they can hope and live a better future.
Every day in our work, we see that when kids are given freedom to explore different scenarios through the power of stories, there can be significant brain growth and personal development that helps them cope with life, better.
The metaphor of a firefly describes our children best: when you release them from trauma, they will find their light and share it with the world.

The Science
behind Fireflies
Stories help us explain everything in our experience, from science to relationships, from feelings to memories, and from questions to objections. And with every story we hear, read, or listen, our mind makes cognitive and emotional connections that shape our perspective of the world.
Stories help children develop empathy and cultivate imaginative and divergent thinking. They help children develop thinking abilities that generate a range of possible ideas and/or solutions around story events, rather than looking for single or literal responses.